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LIFE IS LIKE READING A BOOK (Personal development is not an option, it is necessity)

By February 12, 20183 Comments
Similes & Metaphors Episode 2
I have met people who misuse the phrase ‘accept me for who I am’ or ‘No one is perfect’. Well, you won’t think twice???? to return your mathematics textbook if everything is in disorder grammatically and pictorially (even though it is not supposed to be an English or Visual art textbook). People accepting you for who you are is not an excuse to fail to develop yourself. In this age personal development is as essential as the air we breathe. Many relationships that started well ended abruptly because someone kept it in mind he was a liar before they met, she knew it and still loved him, therefore he should continue to be one.
 A book is not all about the story. In fact it is 30% the story and 70% how the writer explains the story. An author must review and edit the book over and over again to make it perfect. If you ever read a book full of errors you will know how annoying it is. It is like pouring water into a basket because you struggle to understand. This is how your life is when it is full of errors    -frustrating.Proud, argumentative, noisy, over-ambitious, gossip, envy, greed, all in one person. Our faults and weaknesses are like grammatical errors and the less they are, the better. When blunders, fallacies and grammatical errors consecutively run through every line of a paragraph it becomes disturbing, annoying and frustrating for the reader. When you stop maturing by developing yourself you start frustrating the people around you (especially your loved ones because love makes you want to understand people)
But you see, bestsellers are authors who strive for perfection. The writer’s first manuscript is always full of errors and he knows it. So he reviews it himself and sometimes seeks professional help. He understands that publishing a book of errors is the greatest disrespect he can show the world. Perfection is not impossible, it is only difficult because perfection is not a state, it is a process.
Find your weaknesses and work on them more than 40hours per week. Learn a new skill outside your field of study, join a sports team, learn how to take nice pictures, join the protocol team, learn how to bake, learn how to develop a software, make your mistakes and make your corrections. Whatever you do make sure you are learning something new and it is reflecting in your life. Yes, the beauty in newness is that you learn something different. Thus by the time you learn 5 new habits in a year you would have learnt at least 5 different methods to achieving a goal.
-Written by Elizabeth Ewudiwa (Central University)
© 2017 Similes & Metaphors of Life

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