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One of the best experiential learning exercises used for team-building is the “Trust-V”, all of the times I coordinated and partook in this, the same things happened. The farther you go in the V, the more you have to “trust” your partner to lean on them.????
I can guarantee that your broken heart would heal, trust me. Many people in glorious marriages once experienced disappointment, so “chill”????! I can assure you that every wound you incurred in your journey would heal. Moreso, I promise you that those failed attempts at achieving your dreams? You will still make it someday, look back and appreciate the experience????.
But I’m very sorry????, I cannot assure you that you can resurrect a dead trust. I can’t console you that you can remake a broken trust. I’m sorry, trust is like slime, I can’t guarantee you can stand to build it again. People have tried to recover the trust they broke, it took some the rest of their lifetime.
So I advice that be careful how you treat people. 90% of how people treat you is based on the trust they have in you. Be reliable????. Most importantly, no one is perfect enough to be infallible, learn to trust God and let God hold your hand to help you become trust-worthy.

 Acts 13:22 “And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will”.

This is a testimony of trust.????

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