Final Episode, Love-Is-Waiting Series. |
Valentine in this piece of art is indicative of perfection. Hence the title can also translated as ‘If Perfection Refuses to Come’ (Let’s give our relationships the opportunity to work????)
Scene One
(Standing words)
Liz????: The first day I thought of you, I was in a mess. God sent you as a message to fix me, I guess.
You are a Rubik’s cube solved right.
Victor????: The first day I set my eyes on you was the day I said my goodbyes to my mind’s personal space.
You invaded my thoughts and even if I were to be Scofield, I wouldn’t have been able to break free from the prison you placed my heart in with your body’s movement and your vocal discipline.
Liz????: If words have the power to heal, then you are my doctor????.
Victor????: You see, when you spoke, I knew God had listened to my prayers. You were everything I dreamt of,
And your specifications were perfect enough to match my missing rib.
Liz????: The first day I told God I loved you, I was praying and I realized it slipped out. It was like being checked in a box. Only that my checked boxes seemed to reflect all I chequed to God.
I ran into emotional bankruptcy.
You see, you become Valentine. Yes, everything red and white, cool and calm, love and right. Isn’t that what we call Valentine? Perfect!
Victor????: You possessed every attribute on my “she-should-be“ list????.
You were dark skinned with a touch of sunshine.
Not so tall not so short, your head being able to rest on my chest was the standard.
Without a doubt, I was in love with the shape of you;
Figuratively speaking you were an 8 but I’d still give my atTENsion
Because, I saw beyond your curves and your edges.
You were a professional chef with a law degree????.
I couldn’t ask for anything more properly cooked.
Liz????: I took you before my marking scheme and scored you.
–English Good (King Britain)
–Physique Good (Nice beard)
–Teeth Excellent (Plain white)
–Complexion Excellent (If people are named by skin colour, you deserve Mr Brown????)
–Height Very Good (6.6feet)
–Size Excellent (Average)
–Nationality Excellent (South African)
–Occupation Good (Engineer).
However if laughter is medicine, then you are my Pharmacist. I enjoy the overdoses you administer on my face whenever I see your number dialing on my touchscreen.
You scored 85/100, now by the academic standards in my school, that’s an A????. So with this I placed you as the ‘Ace’ card, you became first of all and last of none.
Victor????:None of my ‘ex’es could offer the solution finding you brought.
When I was on my ‘why’axis, asking myself questions like where my x is? Why she’d hurt me.
You stepped up and became my revolution.
At the point where I was about to make a resolution, to keep my heart far away from the reach of cupid’s arrow,
You became the ironic solution and just like that I became a stupid fellow????.
Scene Two (Hurting Words)
So I couldn’t see past your lies,
You blinded me from the truth whilst staring into my eyes.
Your constant bickering, soon became a tempest to my soul.
You were always on defense, never ready to concede to the idea of you having flaws.
I thought I had met my ‘sunshine????’, I never knew when you told me you were visiting,
‘Winter????’ was coming.
You’ve become so cold.
If I could go back to the past I’d walk past you.
If I were to ask for a present, I would ask for a future without you.
If I could build my own partner, I would take all the good in you, which believe me is less than the number of times you told me you loved me,
And multiply it by 10.
I’d divide your lies by 4 and subtract the hurt you make me feel.
Liz????: Wonderful it will be if God will give me some clay to create my own man. I think the only problem would be that he would be too perfect.
Talking about perfection, your lies are beginning to hurt my ears
Like a wool stuck only to be removed after days, I am becoming uncomfortable.
The pitch perfect scene you created when you asked me to be your best friend, then girlfriend, then your fiancée,I don’t think I now fancy.
I know I lie sometimes????, but I do it to protect you.
I know I nag most times????, but you have to listen to me too.
I think your perfection was nothing but blurry images.
Unfortunately, seeing clearer leads me to a state of asking the question ‘What happened to the guy I meant months ago?
He travelled? On vacation?
He was kidnapped? For a ransom? What’s the sum?????
You are just not the guy I used to know, I’ve lost you.
Like a book that left its shelf, but I don’t know if you’ll be back or if I can change that.
Vic????: I didn’t leave, I just curled up in my shell,
I thought you were my Valentine,
But you gave me 14 reasons to think differently.
February 14th is now history.
Liz????: If you can’t relate with my weaknesses, as much as I try to work on them.
Maybe you could walk away and don’t even look back.
You are like a Valentine that refuses to come,
There is Christmas, New Year, more and better holidays
Because I won’t think twice to call you my ‘ex’
Or otherwise pretend you never ‘ex’isted.
Scene 3 (Building Words????)
Victor????: Morally speaking, we are just two imperfect pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that should be ready to feel the inconveniences to create the perfect picture.
Liz????: We hoped for perfection and forgot the steps that lead to it -understanding, humility, love. The perfect picture is always full of sacrifices (selflessness) and unbreakable boundaries (values).
If you want faithful, be faithful.
If you want love, be loving.
Liz????: This is to metaphorically state ‘BE THE PERFECT SPOUSE IF YOU THINK PERFECT PEOPLE DON’T EXIST’.
The big question is ‘IF GOD GIVES YOU A REPLICA OF YOURSELF, WOULD YOU SAY HE DID YOU GOOD? If no, then change because if perfection refuses to come, you better begin to work towards being the perfect one or close the chapter of relationship.
(To audience)
Liz & Vic????: Let’s give our relationships the opportunity to work!!! Learn! Unlearn! And Relearn!!! The 3 big secrets to lasting relationships.
Brought to you by EliDiaries Media
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Thanks for staying with us as we ended the final episode of Love-Is-Waiting February Series. Watch out for ‘A Woman’s Plights‘ this March.
Very inspiratioinspirational thanks
I'm glad to hear that. My pleasure Elgon