Dear Valentina,
Woman of my life, let us enjoy the triumph of love
The wild at heartwill see the one who couldn’t lovefinally become
One of a second chance.
Dear Valentina,
Let the wind paint white and red the lens of our glasses.
Because all I can see is what life took away from me was brought back by love when it travelled for years even after me.
Dear Valentina,
Valentine must have written you many love notes for you to give it an ‘A’ and call it your name.
So you are ValentinA.
Don’t keep Valentine waiting,
Don’t marry Cruz because Maria Cruz is not always perfect.
Let our Telemundolove story continue.
Oh Dear Valentina.
From Valentine
-Written By Elizabeth Ewudiwa.
Dedicated to my Sweet Mother, Valentina.
LoveIsWaitingSeries. Ep. 2
© 2018 EliDiaries Media